Conscious Sedation for Nervous Patients in Sutton Coldfield

Our in-house Consultant Anaesthetist can make all the difference for those who fear the dentist

If you have a fear about visiting the dentist, you are far from alone. It is estimated that at least a quarter of the UK population experience some degree of fear or anxiety when it comes to visiting a dentist. For most people though, the fear is not so great that it can’t be faced with the attitude of ‘it will all be over soon’. Most people also accept that visiting a dentist is something that they must do if they wish to remain healthy.

These people face their fears and have their treatment but there are still a great many people for whom this fear is almost overwhelming and try as they might, they simply can’t bring themselves to visit their local dental practice, however badly they need the treatment.

The good news is that dentists are now much more sympathetic to this than perhaps has been the case in the past. At Arthur House Dental care we are no exception. At our Sutton Coldfield dentist, we see a great many patients who are anxious; sometimes nothing more than a sympathetic ear and a few kind words is sufficient to enable them to undergo any procedure but for those whose suffering is greater, here are a few tips and suggestions which may help your dental fear:

  1. If you haven’t visited a dentist for a while but are aware that you need to, give us a call at our practice and see what we can do for you. We take great pride and care in our treatment of nervous patients and we are sure that we can help you through this.
  2. You may find that ‘alternative’ solutions will help you to relax beforehand and these are easily tried with no risk. Some options include meditation and relaxation exercises or even hypnotism but we do advise seeking professional guidance first
  3. Some doctors will prescribe short term anti anxiety medication if they feel it is necessary although this is likely to depend on the doctor and the level of dental fear involved.
  4. Try taking a portable mp3 player with you so that you can listen to relaxing music during the procedure. This also helps to block out the sound of the dental drill which many people are afraid of.
  5. If all else fails, we have at our Sutton Coldfield practice, a Consultant Anaesthetist who can administer sedation to help you through the procedure. This sedation will not make you unconscious but will ensure that you become entirely relaxed throughout the procedure. Many patients that have used this report that time seems to pass very quickly whilst sedated. You will need to bring someone with you though if you are having this as you will be disorientated and certainly unable to drive and quite probably incapable of taking public transport alone.

Whatever method that you decide to use to overcome your anxieties though, it is important to make sure that you have regular dental care. Failure to do so will certainly lead to much more invasive treatments further down the line and may even negatively affect your overall health. Our experienced dental team, conveniently located in Sutton Coldfield, can advise so please call us on 0121 323 4492 for advice.